Whirling over Whorls

I'm up late--can't sleep. I'm so excited. I feel like I've discovered a new planet. Of course I haven't done that, but last weekend I received my first ever bottom-whorl hand spinner and beautiful fiber (from Bohemia Fibers out of Marlborough, MA). I found them on Etsy. I have been spinning fiber like mad since the package arrived and today I ordered more fiber and another spindle. I never knew one could spin fiber and make yarn on a small wooden piece like this (see pic) until this year when I attended the Fiber Fest over in Addison (Tx). I saw all of these strange wooden contraptions and asked a lady at one of the booths what they were, as I was making a yarn purchase. She explained to me that they are hand or drop spindles/spinners. It is that lady's fault that I have become addicted to spinning. I am thinking I may card my cat's fur to use for future spinning projects. I need fiber!
I finished crocheting a tiny purse last night with a crochet flower button closure. It's only large enough for a cell phone, key and maybe some cash. I couldn't wait to spin the remainder of fiber that I have, so I went ahead and made the little purse. Pics to follow.
I only have a few swirls of roving left to spin until I receive my new batt. I have a process that is working for me (so far--I've only been spinning since May 8). It may not be proper protocol, but at this point, it works well. I take a small strand of fiber from the batt and I draft that piece out somewhat, as well as roll it between my palms. I don't know if that is proper spinning procedure, but it really helps me to prepare the pieces first. I then swirl it into a loose ball and put it in the basket (pic above). After I've accumulated quite a few swirls, I go ahead and spin/draft and then wind the 12" pieces onto the spindle. When there is enough on the spindle, I go ahead and crochet. It's very easy to do this while watching tv. Also, I crochet from the singles. The singles is just a strand of fiber that has been spun. When 2 strands of fiber are spun together, the piece is called "plyed", hence the word 3-ply that I've seen for so many years on yarn skeins. So, rather than wait to spin a 2-ply, I went ahead and just crocheted from the singles. I also read somewhere that one can crochet or knit with just the roving itself. I found many useful instructions and ideas on Youtube, and I really got a lot out of Megan LeCore's videos.
I have put some of my purses (see pics in previous post below) on Etsy, hoping they will sell. I will try to put the link on this blog somewhere at some point. Until then, I will be spinning and crocheting and hunting for fiber.
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